KSL TV — How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

This global crisis has nudged our vulnerabilities. Social distancing exposes us to disconnection and quarantine exposes us to financial strain. Marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist, Laura M. Brotherson, sat down with KSL Television “Studio 5” host, Ashley Moser, to explain how these types of feelings are the perfect storm for infidelity. Laura shares three things couples need to do to keep the insecurities out and their marriage immune to infidelity.

An affair can happen to anyone, even people who have good marriages. Learn the three parts of Laura’s “Infidelity Formula” to keep you off the slippery slope to disaster! There are preventative measures we can be doing to protect our marriages. These important principles will help you avoid the wrenching heartache that comes from not protecting your marriage from infidelity. What are the specific things you need to do to affair-proof your marriage?

CLICK — to watch this video on KSL Television “Studio 5”
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Other Resources that give more information and insights about “Affair Proofing Your Marriage”:

Don’t forget about our exciting upcoming event –
Sexual Wholeness Workshop for Women
September 19th, 2020

Find out how to register and get all the details below!

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