Job Opening — Virtual Administrative Assistant


Part-time Administrative Assistant

Working for Laura M. Brotherson, LMFT, CST
The Marital Intimacy Institute

Posted 5/30/22 – (We hope to choose someone asap this week or next!)


We are looking for a part-time, long-term, virtual “Administrative Assistant!” We’re looking for an ambitious, detail-oriented, driven person who is able to work well in a quick-paced environment and is committed to helping us continue to succeed in serving our counseling clients and in our mission to strengthen marriages intimately!!

This position requires a self-assured, self-driven individual with excellent and thorough communication skills with excellent follow through and attention to detail on all tasks and projects. Experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, and Social Media post creation and scheduling desired. This position provides great flexibility by allowing you to work virtually (if not in Utah County) about 15+ hours per week and receive valuable on-the-job training while helping to change lives and strengthen marriages!

We realize we might not get everything we want in a candidate, but thought we’d shoot for the stars! Just let us know what you know and what you can do for us! 😉

Job Description – Part-time Administrative Assistant primarily over client care and social media marketing

  • Part time position – 15+ hours/week (need some availability on Mondays and Thursdays especially)
  • $16+/hr depending on skills and experience
  • Virtual position (Utah county applicants a plus for in-person needs)
  • Flexible but consistent hours
  • Long-term position required (due to training needed to become fully effective)
  • Apply asap as position starts asap

 Responsibilities Include

  • Client care assistant (e.g. attend to client texts, emails, scheduling/setting recurring appts, billing, sending follow-up resources)
  • Managing Laura’s client wait list
  • Updating multiple tracking logs
  • Occasionally preparing simple PowerPoint presentations, flyers, posters
  • Assisting with social media posts/meme creation and scheduling
  • Manage social media giveaways of Laura’s books
  • Assist with scheduling/set up of Laura’s events and speaking engagements
  • Working collaboratively as a team with other administrative assistants on overlapping responsibilities
  • Other responsibilities as needed

Characteristics Needed

  • Self-driven, healthy sense of self
  • Able to work well in a quick-paced environment
  • Excellent attention to details (this is a must!)
  • Excellent and thorough follow through on tasks and projects
  • Excellent and thorough communication skills
  • Professional and personable

 Skills Needed

  • Must have proficiency in Microsoft Word word-processing, Excel spreadsheet, and Publisher graphics programs (additional graphics programs a plus)
  • Knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint presentation program
  • Excellent spelling and proofreading skills
  • Excellent writing skills a plus to help write articles from Laura’s books and materials
  • Excellent graphics design skills
  • Excellent social media/marketing skills
  • Knowledge of WordPress a plus
  • Knowledge of Laura’s books, websites, and social media a plus

 Systems We Use (…we realize we will need to train you on most things to at least some degree.)

  • ToDoist – online, shared, task, project management system
  • WhatsApp – online group messaging among multiple assistants
  • Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint
  • EnGuard – encrypted email system
  • Constant Contact – newsletter program
  • SimplePractice – client management and scheduling system
  • Zoom – secure video conferencing system for clients
  • WordPress – our website program
  • YouTube – video platform to host our videos
  • Google Voice – text and voice messaging system
  • Instagram – @StrengtheningMarriage
  • Facebook – @StrengtheningMarriage
  • Twitter – @LauraBrotherson (StrengthenMarriage)
  • Tap Bio – for Instagram marketing – social media posts’ links to additional resources

 Websites/Resources to Be Familiar With

 To Apply for This Position

  1. 1) Please send a cover letter to this email adr. Copy and paste the “Characteristics Needed,” “Skills Needed,” and “Systems We Use” sections to briefly respond to each bullet point with your thoughts, situation, skills, experience, etc. to let us know your qualifications.
  2. 2) Please provide a quick overall rating of yourself on each bullet item — 0 (no knowledge/skill) – 10 (excellent knowledge/skill).
  3. 3) Please include your current resume.
  4. 4) Please share three new things you’ve learned about Laura, what she does, and/or her teachings by reviewing her websites, resources, etc. (since you will be representing her as one of her assistants).
  5. 5) Please include your reasons for wanting to work with us! 🙂
  6. 6) Please include links to any of your own social media pages so we can get to know you a little.
  7. 7) If you have any samples that you can send us to show your social media marketing, graphic design work, PowerPoint presentations, writing skills, etc. please include that as well.
  8. 8) Feel free to share anything else you think would be helpful for us to know about you and/or your skills!
  9. 9) Please text us at 801-709-0253 to let us know you have applied as we are not in our email as often as we are in our texting system.

We will review all applicants and contact you as soon as we make a decision. We have created this thorough process to help us identify the best candidates without as much time needed on our part. This application process helps us have a pre-interview insight into how you do things by how you respond to our requests.

We will be setting up zoom interviews with our top candidates. (Please be patient if we are slow to reply as we are now short staffed and do not know how long this process will take us on top of our regular client care needs.) You can also touch base by text if you have questions at 801-709-0253. Thank you so much!!

We hope to work with you as our new “Administrative Assistant” and enthusiastically welcome you to our marriage-strengthening team!! 🙂

Posted 5/30/22 – Apply Today!! We hope to choose our new team member asap!

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