Sexual Wholeness for Women – Online Course

Attention women who want to improve their marriage and sexual relationship!

Are you ready to overcome your frustration and anxiety surrounding sex?


An Online Course to help you embrace and develop your God-given sexuality.

It’s a step-by-step guide to AWESOMENESS in your intimate relationship – helping you embrace and develop your sexuality and create a “sextraordinary” marriage – all at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home!

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Are you tired of sex being a constant source of contention in your marriage?!

Are you ready to learn how to embrace and nurture your sexuality as part of your wholeness?!

Want to love your marriage and sexual relationship and take it to the next level?!


Many couples find that the sexual relationship is the main source of frustration and contention in their marriage. They don’t know to do about it!

Finding therapeutically helpful, yet wholesome, sexual information from a godly Christian perspective from a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist is nearly impossible to find.

Not everyone will go see a sex therapist to get the guidance they need, if they can even find one they can trust. And Laura has a consistent 12-month wait list!

Laura is one of few trusted LDS/Christian resources providing real help with the delicate, divine, and yet, often taboo topic of sex. Laura makes this subject approachable and the work needed doable!

This “Sexual Wholeness for Women” – Online Course will shed light on how a healthy, mutually fulfilling sexual relationship is created and what women can specifically do to have it for themselves.

This course provides a way to get an intensive, thorough, educational, and therapeutic experience toward “sexual wholeness” not available anywhere else…

ALL from the comfort of your own home!

We’ll walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know and do to have the marriage and sexual relationship you may now only dream of…!

Give yourself and your marriage the Gift of Sexual Wholeness!

Hi! I’m Laura M. Brotherson

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)
Certified Sex Therapist (CST)

I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), Certified Sex Therapist (CST), Author and Founder of The Marital Intimacy Institute with a mission to help couples create “sextraordinary” marriages.

I am passionate about helping couples navigate the intricacies of intimacy and have been counseling individuals and couples for many years to help them develop their own “sextraordinary” marriages.

I am a pioneer in the field of healthy sexuality especially for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) and am a trusted expert on this delicate topic!


I am also the author of three best-selling books about strengthening marriages intimately with nearly 100,000 copies sold.

No one has the lived experience, professional education, expertise, and passion for marital and sexual oneness that you’ll find in me and in this course.

If you’re ready to experience sexual wholeness and awesomeness in your marriage this is the step-by-step blueprint to help you achieve the intimate relationship that you may now only dream of…

I know ‘cuz I’ve done the work myself and know it works!

I can show you the way!



I’ve been married for 17 years, having “duty sex” for most of those years. I miraculously came upon your website and found your awesome resources. I had thought something was wrong with me because I never had any desire to have sex. I became obsessed with what you were teaching. I wanted to reach out and THANK you…and my husband THANKS you a thousand times more!!!! Recently after having sex, he told me that it was the best experience we’ve had in our 17 years of marriage just from what I’ve learned from you. I have gotten to a place of wanting to have sex and he could definitely tell the difference! Thank you!!



This Course is for you if…

  • You feel like something’s wrong with you sexually
  • You feel like you’re never in the mood
  • You are tired of sex being a source of frustration, resentment and contention
  • You struggle to see sex as a positive in your life and marriage but want to
  • You genuinely want to “want to”
  • You haven’t yet had an orgasm or struggle to orgasm regularly
  • You want your sexual self to be as healthy, authentic and strong as the other dimensions of self
  • You want to feel sexually alive and self-confident
  • You are the lower-desire spouse in your marriage
  • You want to love your marriage and sexual relationship!

Have a question?!

Email us or Call/Text us at: (801) 709-0253


Here’s some of what we’ll cover in this course…

  • The Spirituality of Sex
  • Sexuality and Wholeness
  • Developing a Positive Sexual Mindset
  • Overcoming the Good Girl Syndrome
  • Learning to Let Go of What’s Holding You Back
  • 3 Levels of Sexual Development
  • How To’s for Embracing Your Sexual Identity
  • How To’s for Developing Your Sexual Desire
  • Having “I Want You Sex!” not “Duty Sex”
  • Body Image and Lovemaking
  • Creating “Emotional Foreplay”
  • Making Sex a Priority
  • Identifying Your Bridges to Desire
  • Arousal Helpers for the Mind
  • Utilizing “Auditory Arousal”
  • The Bliss of a Kiss
  • Addressing Desire Discrepancies
  • Understanding Sexual Wiring Differences
  • Understanding the Big “O”
  • Tuning in to Self and Spouse Emotionally and Sexually
  • Identifying Your Sexual Brakes and Accelerators
  • Developing a Strong Sense of Self (Differentiation)
  • Developing Your Fun and Flirty Self
  • Keeping the Spark Alive for the Long-Run

“I wanted to want to have sex more. I have sex with my husband more times than not because he wants it. So I wanted to want it more and now I do!”


“You can read it in text but until you have someone verbalizing it to you like Laura does… I’ve just had a lot more light bulb moments.” 


“Because sex has been so degraded through life, we need to make it a positive thing in the world.”


What you’ll get…

We walk you step-by-step through how to embrace and develop your sexuality as God intended it–delving deeper into applying Laura’s 12 T’s of female sexual wholeness addressed in her book – Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage.

No one else goes into the depth nor provides the scope of what is needed for creating sexual wholeness and your own “sextraordinary” marriage!

  • 12+ modules ( see below 12 dimensions of female “Sexual Wholeness”)
  • 6+ hours of live workshop recordings
  • Therapeutic worksheets, assessments, and exercises with specific writing prompts
  • 30+ hours of sexual learning and therapeutic processing
  • LIFETIME Access
  • Physical copy of the book Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage.
  • Additional (optional) small “Online Process Groups” with Laura for course participants! (There’s magic in having a community of women working together to transform their marriages!)
  • Insight, fun, transformation…and SO MUCH MORE!!


12 Modules of Female Sexual Wholeness

Got Questions?!

Email us or Call/Text us at: (801) 709-0253



12 Dimensions of “Sexual Wholeness” ($995 value)
6+ Hours of Live Workshop Recordings ($3,000 value)
Video Guides, Worksheets, Assessments, and Exercises ($1,995 value)
30+ Hours of Sexual Learning and Therapeutic Processing ($6,000 value)
Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage (Softcover Book) ($20 value)
BONUS Information Modules and Tools ($1,125 value)

TOTAL VALUE: $15,655

You Pay Only: $249

(Lifetime Access)


See What Others Are Saying…

“I think she has just made me realize how important it is for us to see ourselves as a sexual being because it effects every other part of our life, and I had never thought about it like that.”


“This has given me a to do list of things I can work on and not just blame everything on my spouse… It’s made me be more accepting of who I am as well as knowing what things I can work on.”


“She teaches 12 amazing tools that will transform yor way of thinking about yourself and your spouse and sex… your way of being and connecting with your spouse. It will help you truly know yourself intimately and more fully.”


“I love Laura’s enthusiasm and spiritual understanding of the power of sexual wholeness in our lives and in our marriages! Her energy and enthusiasm is so contagious!! I especially loved the interaction and to know I’m definitely not alone!”


“I loved how personable Laura was! She made everyone feel so comfortable and welcome. I love Laura’s personality and passion for strengthening marriages intimately.”


“This course will expand your entire being not just your sexual self. It enlightens your knowledge and understanding of yourself, your spouse and your relationship. This workshop literally heals your soul not just your sex life!”


“I’ve never heard sex spoken about in such a hopeful and wonderful way I now understand that sex has been given to us as a gift! I now have a positive understanding of sex, which has changed the way I think about and approach sex.” The impossible feels more possible now and even more desirable!


“I LOVED the focus on sexuality being about me and my sexuality. I loved that this was about me becoming more whole! That is a much better motivator and probably the only thing that would really empower me to work through this to develop my sexual wholeness!”


“This is the first time in my life that I’ve talked about sexuality and intimacy in detail when there was more than one other person in the room. It was refreshing to hear others ask questions and share comments in such a wholesome and candid environment.”


Let’s take your intimate relationship to the next level!

We’ll walk you step-by-step through the 12 dimensions of female sexual wholeness providing everything you need to know and do to embrace your God-given sexuality and create your own “sextraordinary” marriage!


Email us or Call/Text us at: (801) 709-0253

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