Thursday April 17, 2014 from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM MDT
Online TeleConference Call
You will receive call-in information and access code after registering.
How it Works
- Click on “Register Here!” to register for this online teleconference call and to receive the recording. If you can’t attend the call, but want to receive the recording simply register for the event, and it will be sent to you after the call.
- Receive a confirmation of registration by email with the conference call dial-in number and participant access code. (Please do not share with non- registrants.)
- Call in by phone, Flash Phone or computer at least five minutes before call is to begin. See FreeConferenceCallHD.com for more information. Normal long distance charges may apply.
- “Raise your hand” if you want to be placed in the Q&A queue to ask a question, or simply listen in to the discussion.
- We’ll get to as many questions as we can, so if there isn’t enough time for your question please plan to join us again next time. These Q&A calls will be held monthly.
- After the event you will receive an email with a link to the recording in case you couldn’t make this Q&A session. (Please do not share with non-registrants.)
Host Information
Laura M. Brotherson, MS, MFT, bestselling author of And They Were Not Ashamed–Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment
Email: info@strengtheningmarriage.com
Website: StrengtheningMarriage.com
…your trusted resource for education, products and services to strengthen marriages… intimately!
Purchase Past Recordings
- Q&A Call #2 (4/17/14) — click for topics
- Q&A Call #1 (3/20/14) — click for topics
“Sexually Speaking — Live Q&A with Laura #2”
Thursday, April 17, 2014, 7:30 – 9 p.m.
We get to talk about sex! How fun is that! Join best-selling author, marriage counselor and sex therapist Laura M. Brotherson, MS, MFT for an online, educational Q&A discussion about marriage, sex and intimacy issues. This monthly, 90-minute teleconference call gives you the chance to ask the questions that you’ve been wanting to know, or you can simply listen in and learn! It’s kind of like a family-values version of the “Dr. Ruth” show or a mini, online counseling session for just $9.95!
A helping of hope for your own intimate situation will be included in our online Q&A calls with some of the many “Sexual Success Stories” out there being shared. We’d love to hear your stories of success in improving your own intimate relationship. You can email them to info@strengtheningmarriage.com with “Success Story” on the subject line. Please keep them brief and anonymous (change names or identifying info), so that we can also share them on our website as well!
With hundreds of un-answered emails and a constant waiting list for her face-to-face counseling and phone consultations, Laura has created this opportunity for individuals and couples to ask their personal questions and receive some guidance on what to do and where to go next to create the kind of intimate and passionate marriage relationship they desire!
FAQ Regarding Q&A Sessions
- Participants will enjoy this Q&A forum for the semi-anonymity and a much quicker, specific response to personal questions rather than having to wait for an email reply or an open consultation time slot.
- Especially great for those who just want a little direction versus an on-going counseling relationship.
- Costs less than one-on-one counseling — just $9.95 for 90 mins of marriage-strengthening information.
- If you can’t make the call, recordings of the Q&A sessions will be sent to those who have registered.
- This marriage-strengthening resource is available to anyone with a phone or computer, anywhere in the world.
- Q&A calls will be held once a month for now, as needed.
- Clients currently pay $150/hr for Laura’s limited one-on-one time, so these $9.95 calls give more people greater access to help.
- Each monthly call will have a different call-in number and access code, since they are separate events.
Keep in mind that these call recordings will be made available for purchase if that affects your comfort with asking a question verbally on the call. If anonymity is a concern please email in your question ahead of time.
If you are registered for the call you may email a question ahead of time so that you can remain anonymous. Simply send a brief email with “Question for Next Online Q&A Session” in the subject line. Questions will be read and responded to on the call. Keep in mind that each question can only be given a brief response.
Past Q&A Questions
- How do I get my spouse to initiate intimacy more?
- How can wives shut out the 50 things on their mind so that they can enjoy intimacy more? How can husbands help?
- How do those of us with sexual abuse in our past overcome the trauma/obstacles and have a more fulfilling sexual relationship?
- What are your thoughts about using a vibrator to help a couple achieve orgasm?
- How do I shift from having “duty sex” most of our married lives to making it more about increasing marital intimacy?
- What do I do when clitoral stimulation is uncomfortable?
Additional Resources
- Click here for additional counseling options and self-help resources at our website StrengtheningMarriage.com.
For payment information, please use Visa or Mastercard.
We do not accept American Express.