Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

  • Good Girls Do!

    Good Girls Do!

    Good Girls Don’t One of the trends I continue to see in my work with couples is that there is still an ingrained belief and something of a cultural norm that says, “Good girls don’t.” The idea is that good girls shouldn’t think about sex

    on Apr 25, 2012 • with 6 Comments

  • Spicing Up Your Sexual Relationship — Laura’s “Dating Divas” Tele-Retreat Seminar

    Spicing Up Your Sexual Relationship — Laura’s “Dating Divas” Tele-Retreat Seminar

    “The Dating Divas” SPECIAL of just $9 (continued thru 4/28) your copy of Laura’s book — And They Were Not Ashamed! Click here to listen to the tele-seminar recording  (80 mins/30 mins of Q&A at the end) Here are the presentation slides and related information for my “Three Keys to

    on Apr 18, 2012 • with 1 Comment

  • Embracing Sexuality

    Embracing Sexuality

      Living your sexual truth in marriage allows you to be more fully alive, more fully functioning as the multi-dimensional person you were divinely designed to be. God designed each of us as sexual beings. We must embrace that fact. It’s not only our marital

    on Apr 18, 2012 • with 3 Comments

  • Sexual Self-Confidence

    Sexual Self-Confidence

    Wondering about the discrepancy between the many women who dress provocatively in public and the many wives who struggle to share themselves freely with their spouses in the bedroom, one husband asked, “Does it take more confidence for a woman to dress revealingly in public,

    on Apr 11, 2012 • with 9 Comments

  • The Dating Divas — Successful Marriages Tele-Retreat

    The Dating Divas — Successful Marriages Tele-Retreat

    Those amazing women at The Dating Divas have put together a one-of-a kind debut event to strengthen marriages — The Dating Divas “Successful Marriages” Tele-Retreat! Best of all — it’s FREE! — and you can participate right from the comfort of your own HOME. On

    on Apr 4, 2012 • with 1 Comment

  • Happy Anniversary — Mitt and Ann Romney

    Happy Anniversary — Mitt and Ann Romney

    Congratulations to Mitt and Ann Romney who celebrated 43 years of marriage today! Nowadays it’s quite a huge accomplishment to do what it takes to make love last! I love to hear of such wonderful love stories&#

    on Mar 21, 2012 • with No Comments

  • The Light is Here—Graduation and Licensing

    The Light is Here—Graduation and Licensing

      Graduation I’m so thrilled that the light at the end of a long tunnel is finally here! October 31, 2011 was my official graduation day from Capella University with a Master of Science degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MS, MFT)! It all began

    on Mar 19, 2012 • with 1 Comment

  • What’s Okay and What Isn’t Sexually?

    What’s Okay and What Isn’t Sexually?

    Right up at the top of the list of things I get asked about the most are all of the what’s okay and what isn’t types of questions. I have addressed this topic fairly extensively in the writings mentioned below, but I do have a

    on Mar 14, 2012 • with 35 Comments

  • Monday Marriage Funnies: Marriage Telepathy

    Monday Marriage Funnies: Marriage Telepathy

    Have you been married long enough to be able to do this yet?! : )

    on Mar 12, 2012 • with No Comments

  • A Taste of What Men Feel

    A Taste of What Men Feel

    The following is an email from a woman who shares her experience with feeling rejected sexually, and how it changed her perspective on many things about sex and the marriage relationship. We appreciate her willingness to share her insights. Dear Laura, I think I have

    on Mar 6, 2012 • with 20 Comments

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