Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

  • Looking for Happily Married Couples

    Looking for Happily Married Couples

    Research tells us that many people have lost faith in marriage. They are afraid that happiness and long-term marriage aren’t even possible anymore. There are too few examples to support and show them that long-term happiness in marriage IS possible. How many happily married couples do

    on Jan 13, 2014 • with 1 Comment

  • Make Your Marriage Even Better—How I Can Help

    Make Your Marriage Even Better—How I Can Help

    With the New Year beginning we have some exciting new services coming! Below is an overview of the Counseling Services I currently offer as well as my Self-Help Educational Products. I hope you will find some options here that can help you make your marriage better

    on Jan 6, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Infidelity Resources

    Infidelity Resources

    Infidelity Resources — Preventing and Healing from Affairs The following are some of my recommended resources for preventing affairs and healing from infidelity. Feel free to leave your suggestions below if you have other good resources to recommend and I’ll check them out! Websites After

    on Nov 17, 2013 • with No Comments

  • Marriage Isn’t For You

    Marriage Isn’t For You

    Guest post by Seth Adam Smith (used by permission) Having been married only a year and a half, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that marriage isn’t for me. Now before you start making assumptions, keep reading. I met my wife in high school when

    on Nov 15, 2013 • with 1 Comment

  • Next Couples Valentine’s Cruise — Feb 2014

    Next Couples Valentine’s Cruise — Feb 2014

    Join us for a fabulously fun Couples Cruise to the beautiful Caribbean Islands!

    on Sep 2, 2013 • with No Comments

  • $300 Onboard Savings — Couples Cruise

    $300 Onboard Savings — Couples Cruise

    COUPLES’ CRUISE — Register by Sept 30 for over $300 of Onboard Savings Don’t miss out on this special offer of $300 worth of onboard savings by registering for this Couples’ Valentine’s Cruise by Monday, September 30, 2013! It’s the perfect romantic getaway! All who register this month (by Sep 30th)

    on Sep 1, 2013 • with No Comments

  • Adventures of Flat Spouse

    Adventures of Flat Spouse

    Take Her with You A spouse’s business trips away from home can be of some concern for a lot of couples! Knowing of the easy potential for thoughts and activities to lead away from one’s spouse and family, I loved the idea shared by a Strengthening

    on Jul 24, 2013 • with No Comments

  • UVU Sex Survey for Married Couples

    UVU Sex Survey for Married Couples

    Are you married? You’re invited to take part in this anonymous research study on the sex lives of married couples sponsored by Utah Valley University (UVU). They even based a part of it on our description of the Good Girl Syndrome from Chapter 1 of

    on Jun 3, 2013 • with No Comments

  • MM Video #002 — Amping Up the Ambience

    MM Video #002 — Amping Up the Ambience

    Boredom in the bedroom is a big issue for many couples. In this Marriage Message video #002 — Amping Up the Ambience Laura M. Brotherson shares three easy suggestions for adding sensuality and spark back into the bedroom. To be the first to know about

    on May 29, 2013 • with No Comments

  • Open Forum 4

    Open Forum 4

    Welcome to our new “Open Forum 4” discussion page! We continue to create new Open Forum pages for you to post your questions and comments, and for us all to discuss important marriage and intimacy issues. Please post your new comments/questions to this Open Forum

    on May 22, 2013 • with 167 Comments

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