Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

  • Don’t Forget the Honeymoon!

    Don’t Forget the Honeymoon!

    Honeymoon Horror Stories After 15 years of marriage, Mandy still recalls her honeymoon with some frustration and resentment. The wedding day was beautiful and perfectly planned, but the honeymoon was nothing like the fantasy she had created in her mind. She recalled the abundant advice

    on Oct 16, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Marriage Meme #11 — Marriage Insurance

    Marriage Meme #11 — Marriage Insurance

    “A personal commitment to God provides a protective layer to your marriage. It’s like marriage insurance to know that both you and your spouse are not just trying to serve and please each other, but are also continually trying to serve and please God.” ~

    on Oct 16, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Happy Honeymoon — Premarital Exam

    Happy Honeymoon — Premarital Exam

    Getting started on the path to a happy honeymoon is not always easy. So, I was thrilled for this mom and her soon-to-be-married daughter who had a really positive premarital medical exam experience! Here’s their story: Times sure have changed. I was pleasantly surprised for

    on Oct 14, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Marriage Meme #10 — Perfectly Imperfect

    Marriage Meme #10 — Perfectly Imperfect

     “I am perfectly imperfect, and my spouse and I are perfectly imperfect for each other.” ~ Laura M. Brotherson We encourage you to help us strengthen marriages and families by sharing these memes on your favorite social media sites! #StrengtheningMarriage #MarriageMemes See all the Marriage Memes here!

    on Oct 10, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Success Story #6 — Now I’m Satisfied Too

    Success Story #6 — Now I’m Satisfied Too

    Now I’m Satisfied Too — Sexual Success Story #6 — Strengthening I’ve been meaning to write you for a long time. My sister-in-law mentioned your book and how great it was during a family gathering some time ago. I came across it later and felt impressed to

    on Oct 9, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Love is a Choice

    Love is a Choice

    LESSONS LEARNED ABOUT LOVE IN MARRIAGE By Kilee Luthi (…the whole story!) Original version re-posted from Deseret News When I made the decision to marry my husband, I knew that the future wouldn’t necessarily be easy. However, I never expected one of my greatest trials

    on Oct 8, 2014 • with No Comments

  • $10 Book Sale Celebrating Our 10th Printing

    $10 Book Sale Celebrating Our 10th Printing

        Just three-days to get your copy…thru Saturday at midnight! In celebration of the 10th printing of our book And They Were Not Ashamed — Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment, we’re having a 3-day, $10 book sale that will end Saturday night (Sept 6th) at midnight (Mountain time). Many

    on Sep 2, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Transitioning to Sexual Intimacy — UVU Sex Survey Results

    Transitioning to Sexual Intimacy — UVU Sex Survey Results

    Last summer we shared a research study on the sex lives of married couples sponsored by Utah Valley University (UVU). Part of the survey was based on the Good Girl Syndrome from Chapter 1 of our book And They Were Not Ashamed-Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment

    on Aug 30, 2014 • with No Comments

  • LDS Living Magazine Highlights — And They Were Not Ashamed

    LDS Living Magazine Highlights — And They Were Not Ashamed

    It’s always fun to see others promoting And They Were Not Ashamed — Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment. So it was a treat to find the LDS Living newsletter and website highlighting And They Were Not Ashamed as a great resource for overcoming intimacy problems

    on Aug 15, 2014 • with No Comments

  • MM Video #004 — Sex is a Decision

    MM Video #004 — Sex is a Decision

    Women tend to have a more “receptive” type of sexual desire and men have a more “initiating” type of desire. In this Marriage Message #004 — “Sex is a Decision” Laura M. Brotherson shares the important first step women must take to connect sexually with

    on Jul 31, 2014 • with No Comments

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