Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

  • Strengthening Marriage Partners —

    Strengthening Marriage Partners —

    Because was having a fabulous giveaway of some fun intimacy-inducing items for OUR Facebook fans, we wanted to know what was behind all their enthusiastic support of and our marriage-strengthening efforts! So, here is Heidie Lee’s story and her journey of creating the online store

    on Sep 12, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Vacuuming Naked

    Vacuuming Naked

      You Did What?! *Candace had been struggling with body image issues for some time. We had worked on it quite a bit in both individual and couples therapy sessions, and she was making good progress. She looked like someone you’d think would feel great

    on Sep 5, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Can’t Connect with your Teen?

    Can’t Connect with your Teen?

    Having a tough time connecting with your teen? Here are some helpful connecting tips for parents

    on Jul 24, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Happy 50th Anniversary — to My Parents

    Happy 50th Anniversary — to My Parents

    Congratulations to my dad and mom, Ed and Margaret Mason, for 50 years of marriage! That’s quite a wonderful accomplishment! On my parents’ 29th anniversary (July 19, 1991) Kevin and I were married, so today (July 19, 2012) marks the 50th anniversary of my parents&#

    on Jul 19, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Celebrating 21 Years with My Sweetheart

    Celebrating 21 Years with My Sweetheart

    In honor of 21 years of marriage to my sweetheart, Kevin Brotherson, I’ve gathered some of our couple/anniversary photos throughout the years (2012 – 1991) to share with you. You’ll also find a link to some fun marriage tradition ideas below to help you celebrate your

    on Jul 19, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Wedding Anniversary Traditions

    Wedding Anniversary Traditions

        With so many weddings and anniversaries happening during the summer months, it’s a good idea to have a few traditions to help you honor and celebrate your marriage and wedding anniversary. What wedding/marriage traditions do you have? We’d love to add to our list, but

    on Jul 16, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Tingles for Someone Who’s Not Your Spouse

    Tingles for Someone Who’s Not Your Spouse

    We wanted to share the following “Monthly Marriage Tips” from our friends at The National Healthy Marriage Institute! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Healthy Marriage Tip — Attraction to Someone Who is Not Your Spouse The National Healthy Marriage Institute The last two monthly marriage tips have been on

    on Jul 10, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Modesty, Accountability and Respect

    Modesty, Accountability and Respect

    After posting this image on my Strengthening Marriage, Inc. Facebook page a reader posted an edited version (see below) of the original graphic. What ensued was an interesting conversation about modesty that I thought may be of value to share here on my blog as well

    on Jul 9, 2012 • with 2 Comments

  • Win Tickets to the Movie Premiere — Charly

    Win Tickets to the Movie Premiere — Charly

    Win two tickets to the Red Carpet movie Premiere of Charly by sharing your love story here! Marriage and relationships are never easy. There are challenges, especially when the people involved are complete opposites. In the movie Charly the main characters are not only opposites

    on Jul 9, 2012 • with No Comments

  • Involuntary Celibacy

    Involuntary Celibacy

    Reflections from a Sexual Desert The following writings were sent to me by a man who has spent many years in a sexual desert in his marriage. He has agreed to let me share some of the heart piercing and profound reverie he has had

    on Jun 21, 2012 • with 137 Comments

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