Can’t Connect with your Teen?

Having a tough time connecting with your teen? Here are some helpful connecting tips for parents:

  • Touch more. Teens still need touch, but now get less from parents. Find creative ways to keep touching them, i.e. high fives, a playful punch on the arm, sitting close enough to touch on the couch, etc.
  • Make eye contact. It’s amazing how this simple action can make another feel seen and validated.
  • Use his/her name. (It also helps them feel seen and validated!)
  • Find ways to have at least one positive interaction every day even if it’s just a text to say hello or waiting until they are asleep and whispering a few words of love and appreciation. It still goes into their system and may help you out as well!
  • Show unconditional love. Let them know that they don’t have to DO anything to be loved. They just are!
  • Help them connect. Help your teens connect with people instead of isolate (if that is a tendency of theirs).
  • Help them connect to God. Help them connect to God who is always present and available, since parents aren’t!

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