Archive for the ‘Intimacy’ Category

  • National Magazine Profile — “How I Took the Taboo Out of Sex”

    National Magazine Profile — “How I Took the Taboo Out of Sex”

    A few months ago I received a press request by a writer for the women’s magazine First to do an interview with someone who had overcome an intimacy challenge. They wanted the story for their “Private Confidence” column. I recommended the couple who had joined

    on Jun 18, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • The Centerfold Syndrome

    The Centerfold Syndrome

    Male Sexual Socialization In doing some research, I stumbled onto some fascinating insights about men and their sexual socialization. With the advent of Viagra-type products, there is an increasingly reductionistic and medicalized focus on the sexual functioning of body parts while ignoring the relational aspects

    on Apr 5, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • Help for Husbands Stranded in the Sexual Desert

    Help for Husbands Stranded in the Sexual Desert

    Help for Husbands Stranded in the Sexual Desert by Mark Chamberlain Aaron was crying, too, as he drew Katy close to him and held her. Then he looked her in the eyes and said, “I hope that in time you’ll find it in your heart

    on Mar 2, 2009 • with 150 Comments

  • Understanding Your Husband’s Psyche

    Understanding Your Husband’s Psyche

    Relationship Coach Matt Townsend shares some great tips for better understanding and romancing your man on his KSL “Studio 5” television appearance. If you want to better understand the male psyche check out this hilarious video clip! Two of the key points are: Men bond

    on Feb 16, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • Share Your Secrets of Sexually Satisfied Wives

    Share Your Secrets of Sexually Satisfied Wives

    QUESTION: How would you describe a sexually satisfied wife? QUESTION: What would it take to be a sexually satisfied wife? I’m making a quick trip to Utah for a TV appearance on KSL’s “Studio 5” show Friday, February 13 from 11 – 12 noon (channel

    on Feb 11, 2009 • with 13 Comments

  • Valentine’s Gift for You!

    Valentine’s Gift for You!

    SPECIAL VALENTINE’S OFFER       In honor of Valentine’s Day, the next 100 orders will receive a FREE copy of the talk on CD Love 101–Learning to Love More Meaningfully by Laura M. Brotherson, with their online order. Place your order today and receive

    on Feb 10, 2009 • with No Comments

  • Thanks for Making Us #1!

    Thanks for Making Us #1!

    We want to thank you for making us the #1 bestselling marriage and parenting book at Deseret Book. We appreciate you sharing “And They Were Not Ashamed–Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment” with friends and family. We appreciate the stories you have shared with us of

    on Dec 16, 2008 • with 1 Comment

  • Happy Holidays for Your Honey

    Happy Holidays for Your Honey

    Don’t make your husband last on your list this Christmas. Make the holidays a little happier for your honey by paying attention to the Four A’s: Appreciation, Admiration, Attention and Affection. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Julie and April were helping in their children’s kindergarten class a few weeks

    on Dec 7, 2008 • with 1 Comment

  • Pastor’s Advice for Better Marriage: More Sex

    Pastor’s Advice for Better Marriage: More Sex

    GRAPEVINE, Tex. — And on the seventh day, there was no rest for married couples. A week after the Rev. Ed Young challenged husbands and wives among his flock of 20,000 to strengthen their unions through Seven Days of Sex, his advice was — keep

    on Nov 27, 2008 • with 2 Comments

  • Hot Christmas Specials — up to 50% off!

    Hot Christmas Specials — up to 50% off!

    on Nov 4, 2008 • with No Comments

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