“How We Met” Story #18 — Fred & Analisa


Fred and Analisa

Married 29 1/2 years


I met my future wife, Analisa, at a BYU singles ward that I attended after I got off of my mission. My older brother, Vincent, was going to the ward, so I tagged along with him.

During high school Analisa and I lived only four blocks away from each other. She knew about me, but I did not know anything about her while I was still in high school.

In the BYU singles ward, I became involved in a play called “Father, Mother, Mother and Mom.” I played the piano for them. Analisa was the assistant Director. The only reason I did the play was to get to know another girl that was in it. Needless to say I got to know Analisa instead.

When I was serving my mission, Analisa was in my parent’s ward back home. My mom was very impressed with how Analisa treated her grandmother who lived with her and her family. My mom suggested that I get to know her better. She thought she would make a wonderful wife.

While attending BYU classes one day, I found a note on my car. It said, “Hi Fred from ?.” I still have that note today. Analisa and I became good friends. I wasn’t head over heels for her at first, but I enjoyed talking to her, as she was easy to talk to.

She was (and continues to be a wonderful and caring person), but I had no intention, at the time, of thinking that she would someday be my eternal companion. I continued to have roaming eyes and wanted to get to know different girls. I will say, though, that one time during the play Analisa had to put makeup on me, and I gazed into her eyes. She had the most beautiful big and bright eyes that I had ever seen. She still has beautiful eyes.

We really did not date officially. We just went to events together a lot. But there came a point where Analisa and I had a talk. I told her that I felt that I should check out other girls to make sure I knew who my eternal companion should be. The response that Analisa gave let me know that I did not need to look any further for a wife. She was sitting right next to me. She said that if that was how I felt, then I should pursue other girls.

But at that moment I knew that I did not need to look any further. Analisa was the one for me.

I proposed to her on New Years Eve of 1978 (going into ’79). We were doing dishes at her house, and I just asked her. It wasn’t very romantic. I had no ring. I feel bad about it today that I didn’t do things differently.

Something that was in the way at this time was that Analisa felt that she should serve a mission for our church like her mother did. Our Bishop suggested that we could also serve missions together at a later time. We were married July 7, 1979. It will be 30 years this July.

We have three children, a married daughter, a son leaving on his mission in March, and a son attending High School. We continue to be each other’s best friend, and are very much in love!

How We Strengthen Our Marriage

  1. We pray together. We feel it is so important to always include the Savior in our lives.
  2. We laugh, play and work together. We are both employed by the same company, and have offices next to each other.
  3. We leave each other love notes and phone messages on a daily and weekly basis.
  4. We attend the LDS Temple together monthly.
  5. When difficulties arise we talk things out even though the solutions are not clear cut, and we may continue to disagree.
  6. We try and think about and put each other first above everything else in life.
  7. We continue to be each other’s best friend, and make it a point to spend our wedding anniversaries together at a Bed and Breakfast or other such establishment.


This is one of the “How We Met” stories featured here on “Laura’s Strengthening Marriage Blog.” You can enter to win a Romantic Getaway to The Anniversary Inn by sending us a favorite photo of you and your spouse, and/or a wedding or engagement photo, by Saturday, February 14th, 2009. Tell us the story of how you met, how many years you’ve been married, plus something you do to strengthen your marriage (500 words or less). Send your photo and story here. We’d love to receive your story and your photos even if it is after February 14th!


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  • Simply Sweet Marriage March 19, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    Congratulations on almost 30 years together! I hope that the next 30 years together is even more rewarding for both of you!

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