“How We Met” Story #17 — Chad & Naomi


Chad and Naomi

Married 5 1/2 Years


Chad and I met in college in May 2002 when I took over his student government position. I called him to learn about what the position entailed. During our meeting he interrupted me to tell me that I had the most beautiful eyes. I thanked him but didn’t really think too much of it.

The next day I left to go home for the summer, and I wasn’t really thinking about Chad until he started emailing me more things about my new position, slipping into his emails things like: “When you come back to Utah, we should have lunch together.” I started paying more attention to him then, and we emailed all summer long.

When I returned to Utah, he was the first person I saw on campus, and all of a sudden he looked so good to me. Attraction started growing as we started working on projects together. We became really good friends at first, and the more we talked the more we wanted to spend time together. One night he came over to my place on a dare, and that night we kissed for the first time!

After that we just hung out more and more, and dated each other for a few months before we started talking about marriage. We knew we wanted to be together, but some differences caused us to break off our relationship a few times. We were on and off over the next few months, during which I realized that I wanted to be with Chad no matter what!

Over the 4th of July weekend in 2003 I visited a friend in Arizona to think about things. We were on a break at the time, but by the time I got back I needed to talk to him. I called him to see when we could talk. He said he was planning on meeting up with a friend in Cedar City. I asked him if I could come with him. He reluctantly agreed, and so we drove down to Cedar City together, talking about us on the way.

By the time we got there, we were holding hands and acting like a couple again. So the next morning, we looked at each other and said: “If we are going to be together let’s make it official. Vegas is only two hours away.”

We were both tired of being on and off, knowing full well we wanted to be together. So, after a long prayer and a long talk, we drove to Vegas and were married on July 7, 2003. Even though we had no family or friends with us, it was the most wonderful day of our lives.

We have been happily married for the past five+ years and have been blessed with two beautiful children.

chad-naomi-08-kiss-140.jpgHow We Strengthen Our Marriage


Chad and I love to go out to dinner and a movie together for a date night. Our intimate relationship is also very important to us, and has strengthened our marriage throughout the years.


This is one of the “How We Met” stories featured here on “Laura’s Strengthening Marriage Blog.” You can enter to win a Romantic Getaway to The Anniversary Inn by sending us a favorite photo of you and your spouse, and/or a wedding or engagement photo, by Saturday, February 14th, 2009. Tell us the story of how you met, how many years you’ve been married, plus something you do to strengthen your marriage (500 words or less). Send your photo and story here. We’d love to receive your story and your photos even if it is after February 14th!


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  • JustGettingBy March 22, 2009 at 3:50 pm

    I have to hand it to you two. I don’t think I would have the guts to just “drive over to Vegas”. I think my mom would beat me if I did!

    Sounds like it worked for the two of you. I hope you can hit all of life’s challenges with such directness.

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