Honeymoon Story — Lots of Reading and Discussing


Honeymoon Happy Story

My husband and I had dated for many years before we got married. We were the best of friends and were really excited to start our life together. I had studied Human Sexuality in college and had two degrees in Human Relation areas. I really felt like we were knowledgeable and ready for intimacy. We never had any major concerns prior to our marriage. However, there were a lot of things only experience could teach.

“No, No, No” Then “Go for It!”

Our honeymoon night started well and we enjoyed our first time together. It was very nerve racking for the both of us because we had so often heard “no, no, no” and then after a short ceremony, all of the sudden, it was, “Go for it!” Both of us had to remind each other that we were alright to proceed sharing our love in full. No more “boundaries” kept us from moving forward intimately.

Lots of Reading and DiscussingMIS046_ATWNA-Frnt-bookcover-400pix

Needless to say we have been happily married for many years now. We did a lot of reading to prepare and then we talked A LOT about our concerns, fears, desires, and what we expected. We also learned quickly that it was important to continue with honest conversation regarding our likes and dislikes during and after sexual intimacy. One of our favorite books was And They Were Not Ashamed. We both felt it was very informative. 


Share Your Honeymoon Stories

We’re excited to gather and share happy honeymoon stories, as well as honeymoon horror stories. We hope to provide some important information to better prepare couples for a positive and fulfilling honeymoon experience, and a better beginning to their sexual relationship.

Those who send in the first 10 honeymoon stories will receive a free copy of our Love 101: Learning to Love More Meaningfully CD and a $25 off coupon to The Anniversary Inn for any suite, any night! So, act fast to get these great gifts!

Whether your honeymoon was happy, or kind of horrible, we’d love to hear what you learned, and what you recommend others do or not do in order to have a great sexual start in their marriage.

Simply email the stories to us with “Honeymoon Story” on the subject line and your real name and address somewhere in the email so we can mail you your CD and gift certificate. Please keep them brief and anonymous (change names or identifying info). We especially hope you will share at least a few things you did well in anticipation of your honeymoon, and/or a few things you’d recommend to couples to help them be better prepared. The stories will be posted here on our website.

Click Here — for all Honeymoon Stories and Resources!

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