Archive for the ‘Parenting’ Category

  • Famous Family Nights — New Book-Contribution

    Famous Family Nights — New Book-Contribution

    Some time ago the author of the upcoming book Famous Family Nights asked me to write a little bit about Family Home Evenings (FHE) in our home to be featured in a book with other “famous” LDS personalities. (I think she’s stretching the “famous” thing

    on Jul 16, 2009 • with No Comments

  • Open Forum 2 Discussions

    Open Forum 2 Discussions

    Welcome to our “Open Forum 2” discussion page! This has been the place (up until April 3, 2011) to post your questions and comments, and have an open dialogue about subjects related to marriage, sex, intimacy and parenting. To create new discussion posts please visit

    on Jun 30, 2009 • with 146 Comments

  • Married Parents & Church—Good for Kids

    Married Parents & Church—Good for Kids

    Washington D.C. — A new study released today by Family Research Council’s Mapping America Project finds that children have fewer problems at school and home when they live with both biological parents and frequently attend religious services

    on Dec 17, 2008 • with No Comments

  • Hot Christmas Specials — up to 50% off!

    Hot Christmas Specials — up to 50% off!

    on Nov 4, 2008 • with No Comments

  • Palin, Politics and Premarital Sex — Counteracting the “Juno” Effect

    Palin, Politics and Premarital Sex — Counteracting the “Juno” Effect

    I’m torn. I’m certainly excited about a vice-presidential candidate that is a strong, conservative, tax cutting, corruption-busting, pro-life mother and wife. Sarah Palin looks like a wonderful person with a great family. She appears to be a true patriot. I’m excited about her potential as

    on Sep 3, 2008 • with 8 Comments

  • Radio Show Podcasts — Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

    Radio Show Podcasts — Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

    Check out the newly posted radio show podcasts on the new Podcast Page. These are FREE audio podcasts from Laura’s radio show segments with Dr. Liz Hale. Dr. Liz and author Laura M. Brotherson discuss the delicate subject of sexual relations in marriage with both

    on Mar 31, 2008 • with 7 Comments

  • When Kids Grow Up They Want to Be . . . Happily Married!

    When Kids Grow Up They Want to Be . . . Happily Married!

    “Popular thinking dictates that most children want to be astronauts or rock stars when they grow up. But it seems in reality their aspirations are far more down to earth. The most common childhood dream was to be happily married with a family .

    on Sep 17, 2007 • with No Comments

  • $-Special Offer to Strengthen Marriages-$

    $-Special Offer to Strengthen Marriages-$

    “And They Were Not Ashamed” Softcover Book only $12! (reg $17.95) We’ve put together an incredible special offer because we’re serious about strengthening marriages intimately! For a limited time, the softcover book “And They Were Not Ashamed — Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment” will be

    on Aug 23, 2007 • with No Comments

  • Parenting Is Not for the Faint of Heart

    Parenting Is Not for the Faint of Heart

    Bless his heart, my youngest son recently told me that he thought I was nicer when I was first married. (Now how would he know, since he wasn’t even born yet?) Apparently he came to this conclusion from watching our wedding video. My first thought

    on Aug 14, 2007 • with No Comments

  • Open Forum 1 Discussions

    Open Forum 1 Discussions

    Welcome to our “Open Forum 1” discussion page! This has been the place (up until June 29, 2009) to post your questions and comments and have an open dialogue about subjects related to marriage, sex, intimacy and parenting. To create new discussion posts please visit

    on Aug 14, 2007 • with 147 Comments

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