Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

  • KSL TV – 7 Characteristics of Healthy Sexuality

    KSL TV – 7 Characteristics of Healthy Sexuality

    Many husbands and wives struggle to understand what healthy sexuality really is. Laura M. Brotherson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist sat down with KSL Television’s “Studio 5” host Brooke Walker to discuss seven characteristics of healthy sexuality and the opposite unhealthy

    on Jul 29, 2019 • with No Comments

  • KSL TV – Help for Higher-Desire Wives

    KSL TV – Help for Higher-Desire Wives

    In popular culture, we hear about how important physical touch and intimacy is for men and that women just don’t have the same drive. But what if this isn’t the case in your marriage? Laura M. Brotherson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex

    on May 17, 2019 • with No Comments

  • VIDEO – Helping Marriages Be More Amazing!

    VIDEO – Helping Marriages Be More Amazing!

    How fun to come across a fellow therapist promoting our book And They Were Not Ashamed – Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment. Check out what Emil Harker, LMFT and “Marriage Missionary” has to say about how Laura’s book can make intimacy in your marriage even

    on Apr 28, 2019 • with No Comments

  • VIDEO – After Hours @ The Marital Intimacy Institute

    VIDEO – After Hours @ The Marital Intimacy Institute

    This is what goes on after hours at The Marital Intimacy Institute when the cleaning crew couple arrives…too fun!! Maybe if we all added a little more fun and dancing to our marriages couples wouldn’t even need counseling! 😉

    on Apr 27, 2019 • with No Comments

  • KSL TV – Your Toolbox for Tackling Depression

    KSL TV – Your Toolbox for Tackling Depression

    Anyone can fall prey to anxiety or depression given the right stressors and situational circumstances. If it finds its way into your life, will you be ready to beat it? Laura M. Brotherson, sat down with KSL Television’s “Studio 5” host Brooke Walker to discuss

    on Mar 15, 2019 • with No Comments

  • KSL TV — Is Your Husband on Your To Do List?

    KSL TV — Is Your Husband on Your To Do List?

    What do men really want in their marriage?! Laura M. Brotherson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist sat down with KSL Television’s “Studio 5” host Brooke Walker to discuss the need to put your husband on your “to do” list. Laura shares four keys

    on Feb 15, 2019 • with No Comments

  • Male Sexuality Survey – Initial Results

    Male Sexuality Survey – Initial Results

    We’ve received nearly 700 responses from our Male Sexuality Survey thus far (1/10/19 thru 2/1/19). How awesome is that?! If you haven’t yet taken our Male Sexuality Survey, there is still time as it will stay open for at least a few more weeks. You can find out how

    on Feb 2, 2019 • with 2 Comments

  • Your Toolbox for Tackling Depression

    Your Toolbox for Tackling Depression

    As a therapist, my objective is to provide a comprehensive toolbox of easy and practical depression-busting tips—all in one place—that you can immediately put into practice to improve your mood and your thoughts as you work to prevent or overcome depression. CLICK FOR KSL

    on Nov 7, 2018 • with No Comments

  • KSL TV – Sexy as a State of Mind

    KSL TV – Sexy as a State of Mind

    Sexy as a state of mind?! We don’t often think of being sexy as having anything to do with a state of mind. Laura M. Brotherson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist sat down with KSL Television’s “Studio 5” host, Brooke Walker

    on Sep 5, 2018 • with No Comments

  • VIDEO–12 T’s to “Knowing HER Intimately”

    VIDEO–12 T’s to “Knowing HER Intimately”

    Trina Glines Webinar/Q&A — Interview with Laura M. Brotherson Discussing Laura’s new book – Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage (April 2018) We get to talk about sex! How fun is that?! Laura M. Brotherson was recently interviewed by the fabulous

    on May 15, 2018 • with No Comments

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