We’re Moving to Utah!

We are happy and sad to announce that we will be leaving our wonderful Idaho life (of 16 1/2 years) and moving to a new and exciting life in Utah. We will be closer to our kids, family and additional professional opportunities (like maybe teaching a marital sexuality course at BYU!).

My husband works from home and I will be moving my counseling practice to a new office in Provo. My current local clients will become online clients and my online clients that are close enough may now meet for “in office” sessions.

The Marital Intimacy Institute

My new office “The Marital Intimacy Institute” is located at 1875 North 1120 West, Provo, 84604 in the Pinnacle Park Office Complex just off State Street. (See front entrance view – enter from upstairs, south side of building – and side view from the roadway above.) It will be October before we start seeing clients there. Clients will be updated as soon as we know correct dates and current information will be available on our website StrengtheningMarriage.com.

Looking for Therapists

We may have one office available to bring on a fabulous marriage counselor that also specializes in healthy sexuality and other sexual issues. (And if she’s a “she” and knows my books and resources inside out that would just be even more awesome…though we’ll consider anyone that is passionate about creating “Sextraordinary Marriages!”)

We’ll dearly miss our Idaho family, friends and clients, but look forward to this new adventure. If you have any additional questions contact my Executive Assistant, Beth.

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