MIS #048—The Importance, Inhibitors and Intricacies of Intimacy

In this episode #048 “The Importance, Inhibitors and Intricacies of Intimacy,” on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson discusses the “3 I’s of Intimacy” — the Importance, the Inhibitors, and the Intricacies, and how the book, And They Were Not Ashamed, can help in all three of these areas!

The Marital Intimacy Show Info

We get to talk about sex!! How fun is that!? Show host, Laura M. Brotherson, LMFT, CST, marriage counselor, certified sex therapist, and best-selling author takes on the taboo subject of SEX — shining a needed light into the intricacies of intimacy and marriage. “The Marital Intimacy Show” provides straight talk about empowering women and couples to create the intimate relationship of their dreams. This podcast is your trusted Christian resource to strengthen marriages intimately and help you create your own “sextraordinary” marriage!! You’ll find inspiration to:

  • Elevate the gift of sexual enjoyment to its divinely intended place.
  • Embrace the God-given gift of sexuality.
  • Learn the secrets of sexual satisfaction.
  • Find solutions to the intimacy issues that plague so many marriages.
  • Create a mutually fulfilling, intimately connected, and passionate relationship: emotionally, spiritually and sexually.

Find us at TheMaritalIntimacyShow.com

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