“How We Met” Story #16 — Neil & Elysianna

Neil and Elysianna

Married 10 Years



Neil and I met while attending BYU-Idaho. (It will always be Ricks College to us!) A friend of his was dating a friend of mine and wanted to set up a double date. Originally they had both invited someone other than Neil and myself on the date. Neil’s friend asked him after the first guy bailed, and then my friend invited me after the other girl bailed.

It was October, and I had yet to go out on a date since school had started in September, so I thought, why not? When they came to the door I thought Neil was cute, but didn’t think the other guy was so much, plus, he was shorter than me. I thought, “No way! Jill is letting me have the cute tall one!”

We went swimming on our date and got along great. Afterwards, we ordered pizza and my friend Jill and I had a pizza eating contest–not usually the kind of thing you do on a first date! 🙂 I scarfed down four pieces in front of Neil. He said that’s when he knew we’d be great together.

He sent me flowers two days later, and we were together everyday after that. We were engaged by Christmas and married by Valentines–February 12th to be exact! So, that’s our story.

What We Do to Strengthen Our Marriage


To strengthen our marriage, we keep the humor going in our marriage. We joke around a lot and tease each other. His sense of humor was one of the things I was first attracted to, so, it’s nice to still have that.


This is one of the “How We Met” stories featured here on “Laura’s Strengthening Marriage Blog.” You can enter to win a Romantic Getaway to The Anniversary Inn by sending us a favorite photo of you and your spouse, and/or a wedding or engagement photo, by Saturday, February 14th, 2009. Tell us the story of how you met, how many years you’ve been married, plus something you do to strengthen your marriage (500 words or less). Send your photo and story here. We’d love to receive your story and your photos even if it is after February 14th!


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