“How We Met” Story #1 — Kevin & Laura

Kevin and Laura engaged Kevin and Laura wedding photo Kevin and Laura 2008

Kevin and Laura

Married 18 years

Kevin and I were both attending Brigham Young University when a chance encounter brought us together. I had missed the first week of the winter semester for a business trip, so on arriving home Sunday, I attended my previous ward (congregation) church services, since I had missed mine. There in the pews was a row of handsome guys that I hadn’t seen before!

Later that evening at a church meeting a friend introduced me to one of the tall good looking guys that I had seen earlier that day in church. His name was Kevin. As luck would have it, when I walked into my Religion class on Tuesday, there sat that same good-looking guy, Kevin, that I had met Sunday evening.

Being a major note taker, I wanted to get the notes I had missed from the first week of class. Kevin was the only person I knew in the large class, so I asked if I could get his notes.

I went over to his apartment that evening, and had to laugh when I saw that he had less than a page of notes for the entire week. (Kevin is not known as a man of many words, although I have to give him the fact that our teacher, George Durrant, was not always easy to follow for note-taking purposes.)

I copied down his notes as we enjoyed each other’s company. Kevin says the thing that really caught his attention was how easy it was for him to talk to me. Unbeknownst to me, Kevin had gone way out of his comfort zone to ask me for my phone number, which he had never done before. He told me to note here that he was smitten!

We went out that weekend, and then saw each other nearly every day until we got married in July 1991. I knew then that I had found the one for me. Even though things have been really difficult at times, I have never regretted marrying Kevin Brotherson. We’ve now been married 17 1/2 years.

Something We Do to Strengthen Our Marriage

One of the things we do to strengthen our marriage is to go out on a date night every Friday night. Our children have come to expect it, and we look forward to it each week. I would have to say that date night is my favorite thing in the world.


This is the first of many “How We Met” stories to be featured here on “Laura’s Strengthening Marriage Blog.” You can enter to win a Romantic Getaway to The Anniversary Inn by sending us a favorite photo of you and your spouse, and/or a wedding or engagement photo, by Saturday, February 14th, 2009. Tell us the story of how you met, how many years you’ve been married, plus something you do to strengthen your marriage (500 words or less). Send your photo and story here.


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