Archive for the ‘Pornography/Addiction’ Category

  • How Pornography Affects Teens

    How Pornography Affects Teens

    Learn How Pornography Addiction Affects the Teenage Brain – Infographic

    on Nov 14, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Love is a Choice

    Love is a Choice

    LESSONS LEARNED ABOUT LOVE IN MARRIAGE By Kilee Luthi (…the whole story!) Original version re-posted from Deseret News When I made the decision to marry my husband, I knew that the future wouldn’t necessarily be easy. However, I never expected one of my greatest trials

    on Oct 8, 2014 • with No Comments

  • “Restoring Intimacy” — NWCHI Conf 2014

    “Restoring Intimacy” — NWCHI Conf 2014

    “Restoring Intimacy” The Northwest Coalition for Healthy Intimacy Conference September 13, 2014     You won’t want to miss this conference especially if pornography has touched your life–whether directly or indirectly. The Northwest Coalition for Healthy Intimacy Conference 2014 — “Restoring Intimacy” is designed to  empower

    on Jul 20, 2014 • with No Comments

  • What to Do When Your Teen is Looking at Porn

    What to Do When Your Teen is Looking at Porn

    What to Do When Your Teen is Looking at Porn Guest Post from Mike Taylor, Desert Solace When parents discover that their teen has been looking at porn, they often react via an emotional outburst that reflects their shock and shame. Parents of teenagers should

    on Dec 14, 2013 • with No Comments

  • How Pornography Re-Wires the Brain

    How Pornography Re-Wires the Brain

    Check out this excellent infographic on how pornography rewires the brain. Used by permission from

    on Nov 20, 2013 • with 1 Comment

  • Porn-Sex Addiction Recovery Resources

    Porn-Sex Addiction Recovery Resources

    Gathering Place for Addiction Recovery Tools & Resources Originally my intention was to send an email with a variety of attached files to a bunch of my clients to share many of the helpful tools and handouts I use in helping people overcome compulsive/ addictive behavior. That email didn’t even

    on Nov 12, 2012 • with 3 Comments

  • Sex is Easy–Lovemaking Takes Effort

    Sex is Easy–Lovemaking Takes Effort

    The mechanics of “having sex” are fairly simple, but really “making love” and developing a good intimate relationship takes some time and effort. Movies, pornography and other media tell us that sex is–or should be–easy, which is a set up for problems in a real

    on Jan 14, 2012 • with 1 Comment

  • One Real but Wrinkled Wife or a Harem of Airbrushed Virtual Goddesses?

    One Real but Wrinkled Wife or a Harem of Airbrushed Virtual Goddesses?

    by Mark Chamberlain, Ph.D. Psychologist and clinical director of the Addiction Resource Center for Healing (ARCH), author of the book Love You, Hate the Porn, and blog of the same name. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The amazing thing about pornography is how it can keep arousal fresh when

    on Mar 30, 2011 • with No Comments

  • Want Porn Out? Let Wife In!

    by Mark Chamberlain, Ph.D. Psychologist and Author of Confronting Pornography, and founder of the new blog (and upcoming book) Love You, Hate the Porn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want Porn Out? Let Wife In! reprinted from “Love You, Hate the Porn” Blog Here’s how it went in the

    on Nov 5, 2010 • with No Comments

  • The Centerfold Syndrome

    The Centerfold Syndrome

    Male Sexual Socialization In doing some research, I stumbled onto some fascinating insights about men and their sexual socialization. With the advent of Viagra-type products, there is an increasingly reductionistic and medicalized focus on the sexual functioning of body parts while ignoring the relational aspects

    on Apr 5, 2009 • with 1 Comment

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