2013 Kissy Photo Contest Winners

2013 Kissy Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to Lance and Natalie – the 2013 winners of our annual StrengtheningMarriage.com Couples Photos drawing for a romantic getaway to the fabulous Anniversary Inn.

Thank you to everyone who submitted entries for our 8th Annual Couples Photos contest! It was especially fun to get all the “kissy” photos this year! I hope everyone will keep kissing and snap a few pics too…even if it grosses out your kids! (Those are some of my favorite pics! ; )

Gross-Out-Your-Kids Kissy Pics

Here are a few of our favorite “gross-out-your-kids” kissy pics….  You’ll also find all the new entries for the 2013 drawing on our Couples Photos Page.

(Next year we think we’ll have you all vote for the winner instead of continuing our random drawing…!)


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