What to Get Your Santa-Honey for Christmas!


Christmas is only getting closer…still wondering what to get your hubby?

RomanticMarriages.com offers a fabulous, all-inclusive “Merry Christmas Deer” romance kit!

“We noticed that during the Holidays our husbands were the last to get some of our time and attention, so a few Christmases ago we each decided to change that. Now our husbands are more excited about what they are getting for Christmas than our kids!” (Founders of RomanticMarriages.com)

This kit makes it so easy to have a little holiday fun and frolic with your husband. The kit begins with a “good boy” letter for your man that says…“The elves reported you’ve been a good boy by being my man through the year, so Santa decided you’d get what YOU want. Delivery will be by his deer!”

You then visit him on the nights leading up to Christmas as Santa’s sexy and slightly naughty deer. Each deer delivers her own gift that makes a very unique memory. (All gifts are included in the kit with the exception of a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant.) The kit is great at creating genuine anticipation as your man wonders which of Santa’s deer are visiting next? With the arrival of the first deer, “Flasher” (Dasher’s naughty twin) your holiday fun begins!

The ladies at RomanticMarriages.com have done all the work for you… so you get to have all the fun!

Order your Christmas Deer kit today!

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  • Xenon December 24, 2010 at 7:45 am

    Anyone have any suggestions for something similar for Husband to Wife?

    A year or so ago I got her a jar with a bunch of quotes, which I think she liked…..

    Anyway, something like this site, but from Husband to Wife would be great to help guys “think” like their wives for a moment …..

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