MM Video #003 — Focus on Fixing Yourself

Want to know how to fix your spouse?! This is the key! Fix yourself! That’s what brings about change in your spouse. Couples spend a lot of time trying to fix their spouse, but it’s not terribly effective and causes a lot of personal frustration and relationship stress. In this Marriage Message #003 — Focus on Fixing Yourself, Laura M. Brotherson shares some insights to help you avoid this common trap.

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  • apr June 17, 2014 at 12:29 pm


    You mentioned in the Q&A that it was your husband’s “unending patience” with you that played a large role in your ability to open up and figure things out. How did he exhibit this patience? Was it what he said (or didn’t’ say)? Did he not bring up his own sexual needs unless you did? I’m in it for the long haul and I don’t know how I need to be patient for my wife; she doesn’t respond well to pressure and some things I do to try to help unintentionally ADD more pressure than if I had done nothing. For example, in the past I’ve offered to only have sex when she wants it, but she told me that she would feel pressure of initiating and that she felt like it was shifting all responsibility over to her.
    So . . . I’m working on fixing myself. I know I need to she her patience, but how? What do I do?

  • apr June 17, 2014 at 12:29 pm

    Correction: I know I need to sSHOW her patience, but how?

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