We are so excited about our new Strengthening Marriage “Intimacy Ambassador” program! Many women have asked how they can help other women embrace and nurture their Sexual Wholeness. The Intimacy Ambassador program provides a way. Being an Intimacy Ambassador for Strengthening Marriage, Inc. gives you the exciting opportunity to help others embrace and develop their God-given sexuality. It’s such a unique and needed gift for women.
If you love Laura and all that she has done to help women transform their sexual identity to a healthy part of their wholeness, then this is how you can help both yourself and others! Here are a few ways you can be an Intimacy Ambassador:
#1 — Share Laura’s “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course
We invite you to become an Intimacy Ambassador and share Laura’s course with your girlfriends, your sisters…any women that you think are ready to step into their Sexual Wholeness! You don’t have to be an expert in sexual wholeness to become an Intimacy Ambassador. Simply have a desire to help shed light on how we as women can embrace our God-given sexuality.
As women’s lives are changed they have a desire to share what they’ve learned with others. Here’s what one woman had to say:
“I have been longing for something to help me intimately. Your course and books have been such a great help. I am so grateful that I was inspired to find you. I hope and pray that somehow, I will be able to help the women around me as they too long for some wholeness in their lives and in their intimate relationships. I don’t know how but I hope maybe you can help me help others in some way.” ~ Nicole
Like this woman, being an Intimacy Ambassador provides a real opportunity for you to reach out and help women who are struggling with their personal wholeness, sexual wholeness, and marital oneness. If you participate in Laura’s “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course (more about this below), you will be guided step-by-step how to nurture your own sexuality and can then share your life-changing experiences with others as well!
How the “Intimacy Ambassador” Program Works
- 1. Send us an email (or reply here) at info@strengtheningmarriage.com letting us know you’d love to become an Intimacy Ambassador.
- 2. You will receive a personal affiliate/referral link to our “Sexual Wholeness for Women” online program.
- 3. Intimacy Ambassadors can share their affiliate link with anyone, anywhere to invite them to participate in Laura’s online program. (Share with friends, family, neighbors, on social media, email, blogs, text messages, etc.)
- 4. You will receive $50 for every registration that comes through your referral link.
- 5. Each Intimacy Ambassador will receive a $100 off gift certificate toward their own access to the “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course.
- 6. You will also receive a special coupon code that you can share with others (along with your personal affiliate link) allowing them to get $50 off the course.
- 7. We encourage all Intimacy Ambassadors to participate in the “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course for themselves (though not required), so they can share their own experiences about the course to help encourage others to participate in this transformative program.
#2 — Do the Course as a Group Like a Book Club
Another opportunity for Intimacy Ambassadors is to encourage a bunch of your girlfriends or sisters, etc. to participate in the online course as a group, creating your own “book club” or “discussion group” as you work through the course modules.
#3 — Utilize and Share Laura’s Resources
Intimacy Ambassadors can also help others develop their sexuality by sharing Laura’s goldmine of resources including books, exercises, worksheets, articles, podcasts, videos and more, to help women have the guidance they need to reach their own personal, marital, and sexual potential.
As an Intimacy Ambassador you can utilize these additional resources to share with those you are trying to help improve their intimate lives and develop their Sexual Wholeness. You can also search, read, and implement these resources into your own life and see how they will make a significant difference for you as well.
Simply choose a resource to share with your friends and then discuss it to help you apply it into your lives and marriages.
- Laura’s “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course
- Laura’s Books:
- Laura’s Website: https://www.strengtheningmarriage.com/
- Laura’s Counseling Resources: https://maritalintimacyinst.com/lauras-resources/
More about the “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course
Whether needing a marriage tune-up or delving a little deeper into the intricacies of the sexual relationship, our new “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course will walk you step-by-step through the process of embracing and nurturing your sexuality all from the privacy and convenience of your own home!
It includes our live event recording AND so much more!! The 12+ modules in this online course take you on a deeper dive to help you process and apply the principles in Laura’s book Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage.
This course fills in all the blanks needed to fully embrace and develop your sexuality as Laura walks you through everything you need to know and do to create the intimate relationship you may now only dream of.
Want to Learn more?
If you’re ready to get started, feel free to email or text us (801-709-0253). Or, if would like to learn more or have any questions, you can setup a free call with one of Laura’s Coaches. These coaches have experienced the “Sexual Wholeness for Women” Online Course and can answer any questions you have. They can also give you more details about the Intimacy Ambassador Program.
To schedule a time to chat with Laura’s Coaches – Beth or Ellen, click on the calendar image on the right.
You can chose a time and contact preference and Beth or Ellen will contact you at the time of your call.
We are so excited about all of these amazing opportunities for women to embrace and nurture their Sexual Wholeness and help those around them do the same!
We’d love to have you join us in our mission to help strengthen marriages intimately! We look forward to visiting with you and getting you started!