Fireproof the Movie — Out on DVD

Fireproof movie poster Fireproof the movie is now out on DVD (as of January 27, 2009). This is a movie that no couple should miss! After going to see the movie with my husband, I wanted my kids to see it too. It was pretty funny to see all the couples in the movie theater and then me there with my three kids. They loved it though. My daughter even said it beat out High School Musical 3 (HSM3) as her favorite movie. (I’ll admit my kids may be a bit warped though having to live with a marriage maniac!)

Fireproof - Kirk CameronSome of my friends give me a hard time about my movie reviews because I am definitely more interested in the content — especially when it promotes and strengthens marriage — than anything else. So keep in mind that there is only one professional actor in the movie — Kirk Cameron. But even those skeptical friends loved the movie and came out with a list of friends and family they thought should see it too.

If you didn’t get a chance to see it in theaters be sure to get yourself a copy. You’ll want to share it with everyone you can.

You can read my movie review here.


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  • klover January 29, 2009 at 8:40 am

    I second Laura’s opinion. Fireproof is a message we all should remember and practice!

  • SimplySweetMarriage February 8, 2009 at 2:17 am

    I rented, Fireproof!, this week for my 6 and older kids to watch with me. We will soon buy Fireproof! and add it to our family collection.

    I am really glad that we watched this together as a family, at home. I watched my kids reactions to specific scene’s in the movie. We talked about what was going on, and why throughout the movie. (This drives some people crazy!)

    I was stunned when I realized that my 9 year old boy seemed to understand the negative effects that pornography could have on a marriage. I do not want to be a killjoy here, and explain the scenes, but as my 9 year old son spoke, I was so glad that we could talk openly about a tough subject. We talked about how the true change came when “the husband gave up the expensive stuff” and put God first.

    Excellent family movie! Because one of the main characters is a firefighter, some scenes could be scary for a sensitive kid.

    More movies need to have messages like Fireproof!

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