Couples Cruise #6 Highlights (Feb 2018)

What a fabulous Couples Cruise #6 we had once again this February 3-10, 2018. Couples from all over the country joined us as we set sail on the breathtaking Norwegian Epic Cruise Ship for a wonderful week of fun in the sun. Below are some highlights from the cruise! You can check out all the fun photos here!

As you can see, this is more than a cruise, more than a marriage workshop/retreat, more than a great adventure, more than a romantic getaway! This unparalleled experience is all that and more! You’ll have to experience it to believe it! Whether you come just the two of you or with friends, we all become great new friends by the end of the week!

Marriage Seminar Topics

Some of the topics we discussed during the seminars on the days at sea were:

  1. Accessibility-Responsiveness-Connection
  2. Love Languages
  3. Desire Styles
  4. “How Women Get in the Mood” – Fuel for Female Desire
  5. 12 Essential Ingredients of a Sextraordinary Marriage (12 T’s)
  6. Bridges to Desire
  7. Arousal Helpers
  8. Brakes and Accelerators
  9. Marriage Funnies
  10. Common Concepts in Counseling with Couples

And we always have a great time discussing the anonymous questions submitted during the Q&A portion of the seminars. It’s a great way to get all those questions answered without having to ask them publicly.

Couples Cruise “Homework”

To give you an idea of some of the more specific things we talked about in the marriage workshops, here are some of the suggested homework items. Some of these were for the couples to try to do while on the cruise and some were to do when they got home!

  1. Complete your Love Language worksheets and share them with each other.
  2. Discuss how the “rocket diagram” (Fuel for Female Desire) applies to your marriage.
  3. Identify your “Bridges to Desire” and try them out.
  4. Try out some of the B-R-A-V-E – “Arousal Helpers.”
  5. Do some of the “Couples Questions” for fun and connection.
  6. Do some of the “20 Questions – Conversation Starter about Sex.”
  7. Work on incorporating “Auditory Arousal” into your lovemaking.
  8. Add more Teasing and Treats into your relationship!
  9. Do the “Sexual Accelerators/Brakes” worksheet then share your lists with each other.
  10. Discuss with your spouse what was particularly interesting from the seminars.

Next Couples Cruise — February 2020

So that you can start saving, we are planning our next Couples Cruise for February 2020 (and will continue to plan for February of even years). We hope you will plan now to join us! It’s gonna be awesome again!

We’ll make an official decision on the specific cruise and cruise line in September 2018 when we see what our cruise options are. Be sure you are receiving our newsletters so you’ll be the first to know! If you don’t want to miss out on this next cruise, contact us to get on the Feb 2020 wait list!

Couples Cruise Comments

Here are some of the feedback we’ve received from happy cruisers!

“This is the first time in my life that I’ve talked about sexuality and intimacy in detail when there was more than one other person in the room. It was refreshing to hear other couples ask questions and share comments in such a wholesome and candid environment.”

“I loved how personable Laura was and that she knew my name and chatted with us! She made everyone feel so welcome. I love Laura’s personality and passion for strengthening marriages intimately. My husband especially appreciated how well she explained things to the guys.”

“I loved how this sensitive subject was discussed so easily and matter of factly. She made everyone feel comfortable with the subject matter and was so informative. Laura’s knowledge of sexual topics (across the board) was amazing as was her willingness to talk about anything without hesitation or reservation.”

“I loved getting to know other members of the group and to hear their perspectives and questions. It was so nice to be around so many couples that are all wanting to improve their marriages. It was great to see that everyone has ‘stuff!’ The humor in the group was fun too.”

“The cruise was fantastic!!! I only wish next February was already here. This had to be the most fun vacation I have ever had. It felt like I was out on a really fun date for seven nights in a row. I loved the seminars, the entertainment, the food, excursions, friends, clean rooms, everything was so excellent!!!!!!!”

“The cruise was GREAT, not only for the for the seminars alone, but it was so much fun getting to know other couples, socializing, and the on-shore tours. In fact, I think the cruises with Laura are the best cruises I’ve ever been on. It was the ultimate ‘Valentine’s Cruise,’ and I highly recommend the tradition! The investment in your marriage will be returned MANY times the investment!”

“The cruise and the seminars were definitely a 10! I think the dinners together was one of my favorite things because we had such a good time with our new friends!! I have recommended this cruise to my family and friends, and I have even apologized to those I should have invited this time! We loved it, loved it, loved it!!!”

“The cruise was a miracle for our marriage…my wife came away with so many insights, and hope that we can address our issues. The presentations / discussions were the best part of the whole cruise! That made the whole week worthwhile!!! Seriously, the best part of the whole cruise for us was the homework!!—discussing and applying what we learned. My wife has come home from the cruise waiting on me hand-and-foot, which sounds totally selfish, except that I am trying to do the same for her. The cruise not only allowed us to completely re-frame how we view our sex lives together, but our whole marriage.”

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