From Honeymoon to Happily Ever After: 23 Keys to Prepare for a Sextraordinary Marriage (Audio Book)

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By Laura M. Brotherson, LMFT, CST, CFLE 

The wait is over for a “marriage-prep” guide that effectively helps couples learn what they specifically need to know and do to prepare for the honeymoon and the intimate marital relationship. This one-of-a-kind resource dispels anxiety over the common concerns Christian couples have when it comes to the sexual relationship. This book is a game changer–especially for those who get their hands on this before marriage!! From Honeymoon to Happily Ever After: 23 Keys to Prepare for a Sextraordinary Marriage respectfully provides enlightening and encouraging counsel with practical suggestions to help couples feel informed, prepared, and confident as they embark upon the intimate adventure of preparing for and creating their own sextraordinary marriage! Couples will find 23 keys to help them overcome the common intimacy challenges they’ll face within marriage as well.

Audio Book Release Date — Friday, Dec 6, 2019
Length — 11:49 Hrs


Before Marriage

#1 — Preparing for Intimacy in Marriage
#2 — Developing a Healthy Sexual Mindset
#3 — Alleviating Fear and Anxiety About Sex
#4 — What to Know and What to Expect
#5 — What to Talk About Regarding the Sexual Relationship
#6 — Determining Appropriate Affection Before Marriage
#7 — Sharing Sensitive Information from Your Past
#8 — Understanding Sexual Compatibility
#9 — Preparing for the Honeymoon

Before/After Marriage

#10 — Discussing Birth Control and When to Have Children
#11 — How to Handle Sexual Abuse, Depression, and Anxiety
#12 — How to Handle Pornography Problems After Marriage

After Marriage

#13 — Navigating Difficult or Painful Sex
#14 — Talking About Sex Within Marriage
#15 — Determining What’s Okay and What Isn’t in the Bedroom
#16 — Determining Sexual Frequency in Marriage
#17 — What If You Want Sex and Your Wife Doesn’t
#18 — What if You Feel Like All Your Husband Wants is Sex
#19 — What if She Wants Sex More than Her Husband Does
#20 — How to Work Through Her Orgasm Difficulties
#21 — How to Work Through Common Intimacy Problems
#22 — Keeping Intimacy a Priority After Children Come Along
#23 — Keeping the Spark Alive Throughout Marriage


“Laura Brotherson is the ONLY therapist out there that we refer our audience to when it comes to intimacy. She just GETS it! I was SO excited to dive into her latest book, From Honeymoon to Happily Ever After, and it did NOT disappoint! This is basically the ‘Sex Handbook’ that every couple needs before they get married!”
Tara Carson (Founder of

“Imagine sitting with the coolest and smartest big sister who has all the answers to all the questions you’ve ever had about sex and even those you didn’t know you had. Laura has covered it all! Not only was each page founded on clinical evidence and a solid spiritual backbone, there were simple summaries and practical exercises designed to create personal breakthroughs. This book is a ‘how-to’ guide to pick the lock of a ‘sextraordinary’ marriage!”
Emil Harker, LMFT (Author of You Can Turn Conflict Into Closeness)

“Laura Brotherson has the gift of being specific yet spiritually reverent about this important and wonderful part of married love. This book will be a great wedding gift to our children as they embark on their own eternal companionships.”
John and Kimberly Bytheway (Authors of What We Wish We’d Known When We Were Newlyweds)

“Couples don’t get enough of the positive messages and ‘how-tos’ to get their lovemaking adventure off to a great start. This book changes all that! It’s the book I wish I had when I got married. Laura’s upbeat, appropriate, and encouraging style makes this fun to read, easy to apply, and will jump start your marriage and intimate relationship to be years ahead of where it would be without it.”
Dan Purcell (Creator of “Ultimate Intimacy for Couples” and “Get Your Marriage On!” apps)

“Laura Brotherson does it again as she combines research and her clinical experience and skills to craft yet another much needed and timely book on sexual intimacy. From Honeymoon to Happily Ever After approaches this important topic with the respect and reverence it deserves and needs. As a relationship clinician, researcher, and educator, I fully endorse this book and will recommend it to my clients and students.”
Jeremy S. Boden, PhD, LMFT, CFLE (Associate Professor of Family Science, Utah Valley University)

“I highly recommend Laura’s book as a resource for wise and practical sexual information that can generate many vital conversations to help couples prepare for the intimate marital relationship and work through common challenges they face within marriage as well.”
Doug Rosenau EdD, Psychologist, Christian Sex Therapist (Author of Soul Virgins: Redefining Single Sexuality and A Celebration of Sex for Newlyweds; Co-founder of the “Institute for Sexual Wholeness”)

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