Laura's Marriage Newsletter header
Straight Talk about Strengthening Marriage!
October 20, 2004

1)  Take the Touch Test
2)  Audio Book Update
3)  On a Mission to Move a Mountain
4)  New Bookstores


Touch (or affection) is a universal, biological need—we can't live without it.
Both sexual and non-sexual touch can fill our need for loving touch, but sexual
touch alone cannot fill the need for pure affection. Touch deprivation is a
serious, but often unrecognized void in our lives. Take the touch test by
keeping track, for the next 24 hours, of how many times you and your spouse
(or children) touch, then determine to touch more often! We can all increase
loving touch with hugs, hand-holding, kisses, sitting close to each other and
snuggling. We can even let ourselves brush against each other as we pass
instead of avoiding contact. Touch is the dessert of life and can have a
wonderful impact on our lives.

For more information see Chapter 12 "Becoming One—Physical Intimacy"
in the book And They Were Not Ashamed—Strengthening Marriage
through Sexual Fulfillment.

(2)  AUDIO BOOK UPDATE--Now Available for Pre-order!

We recently finished recording And They Were Not Ashamed for the CD
audio book version (read by the author). This will be a real treat to those who
struggle to find the time to sit down and read. You can listen to this book on the
way to and from work or while you are out and about. There's something powerful
about hearing such important yet delicate topics talked about openly and confidently.
You can now pre-order online and receive the discounted price at This unabridged audio
book will be ready to ship early November. Order now to get the first copies!


One of the primary purposes of this book is to take sex out of Satan's territory and
restore it to God's light and truth. We intend to find as many people as possible who
will catch the vision of this book and want to be a part of a positive shift in attitude
regarding sex. We also hope to help remove the embarrassment and discomfort so
many feel regarding this delicate topic. It will take a lot of people doing just a little to
move this mountain. Here's how you can help:

1.    Read and apply this book in your own life.
2.    Teach your children the sanctity and goodness of sexual relations in marriage.
3.    Forward this email to a friend or tell someone about this book.
4.    Give this book as a wedding gift and/or Christmas gift.
If you have other ideas to help spread the word, we welcome your suggestions.


And They Were Not Ashamed is now available in over 150 bookstores (that we
know of). Stores have been recently added in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Illinois,
New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming,
and London, England! Check out the full list of bookstores here:

If your local bookstore doesn't yet carry our book, we hope you will encourage them
to do so! For more information about getting And They Were Not Ashamed into your
area see the following information:
Thank you to those of you who have asked your bookstores to carry our book, thus
helping them see the enthusiastic interest!

Stay tuned for more exciting developments in upcoming Strengthening Marriage

Visit for excerpts and reviews or to place an order or
post a comment.
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